
Showing posts from March, 2015

Azinhaga da Palmeira Levada | Madeira

Our hotel in Madeira was situated in the hotel area of Lido. The closest levada route was just up the hill. Besides seeing the sea view, we also got to peak into Madeiran gardens. The route is called Azinhaga da Palmeira. Hotellimme Madeiran matkalla sijaitsi Lidon hotellialueella. Lähin levadareitti lähti hotellialueen yläpuolisesta rinteestä. Merimaiseman lisäksi saimme kurkistella madeiralaisten pihoille. Reitin nimi on Azinhaga da Palmeira.

Willow Wreath | Pajukranssi

Willow branches, feathers, Easter eggs and ribbon... I made a simple willow wreath for Easter. For the basis of the wreath, I used willow branches (with catkins), iron wire, secateurs and cutters. First I made a circle of one branch and then tied more branches around it with wire. For additional decoration I painted a couple of styrofoam eggs and attached them and the yellow feathers with iron wire. Finally I made a hanging loop of iron wire and put a bow on top. Pajunoksia, höyheniä, pääsiäismunia ja nauhaa... Tein yksinkertaisen pajukranssin pääsiäiskoristeeksi. Kranssipohjaan käytin pajunoksia (joissa on pajunkissoja), rautalankaa, oksasaksia ja leikkureita. Taivutin ensin yhden pajunoksan ympyräksija kiersin lisää oksia sen ympärille sitoen niitä rautalangalla kiinni. Lisäkoristeiksi maalasin pari stryroksimunaa ja kiinnitin ne ja keltaiset höyhenet kranssiin rautalangalla. Tein rautalangasta vielä ripustuslenkin ja sidoin sen päälle koristenauhan. More

Abstract Watercolor and Summer Sketch

Here's another abstract watercolor painting . This time it's all my work (well, almost). While I made this, my niece made about 10 paintings in the same time. This is again mostly wet on wet with the paper tilted a bit. And while it is abstract, I do see it as some kind of a landscape. A sunset and a field maybe. Vielä yksi abstrakti vesivärimaalaus . Tällä kertaa tein maalauksen (lähes) kokonaan itse. Siskontyttöni teki samassa ajassa noin kymmenen maalausta ja roiskasi lopuksi jotain tähänkin. Maalaus on taas tehty enimmäkseen märkää märälle tekniikalla ja paperi hieman kallistettuna. Vaikka se onkin abstrakti, näen tässä jonkinlaisen maiseman. Ehkä auringonlaskun ja pellon. I also found these pictures of a flower sketch I made last summer in June. I remember I was popping out bad apples from the apple trees (or doing some other garden work) on a sunday evening and then sat down in the garden to draw a few flowers: a lily , goldball leaves, a columbine and an i

Madeira Botanical Garden

The Funchal city tour of our Madeira trip continued with a visit to the Botanical Garden. So be prepared for a lot of beautiful garden and cute bird photos. The garden is located high up the mountain.You can see the little houses on the hillside and the sea below in a couple of photos. Madeiran matkan Funchalin kaupunkikierros jatkui vierailulla kasvitieteellisessä puutarhassa. Luvassa on siis paljon kuvia kauniista puutarhasta ja söpöistä linnuista. Puutarha sijaitsee korkealla rinteessä ja muutamassa kuvassa vilahtaa taustalla myös taloja ja merta.

Sugar Watercolor Painting | Sokerimaalaus

Framed sugar paintings. Kehystetyt sokerimaalaukset. I tried sugar water painting (sugar in water + watercolor) with my niece. I found the idea and instructions from a Finnish crafts magazine. Sugar painting is suited for children as well as adults and doesn't require any painting skills. You could use it to make greeting cards or postcards or framed home decor paintings for spring. Read the ins tructions below or watch this video .   Kokeilin sokerimaalausta siskontytön kanssa. Idea ja ohje löytyivät Ihana-lehden numerosta 2/2014. Sokerimaalaus sopii siis myös lapsille, eikä vaadi maalaustaitoa. Tällä idealla voi tehdä vaikka keväisiä onnittelu- tai postikortteja tai sisustustauluja. Lue o hjeet alta tai katso tämä video .

Monte - Funchal Cable Car | Madeira

And the Madeira posts continue for a change. This time I have some aerial photos of the capital of Madeira: Funchal. In the beginning of the trip, we took a city tour of Funchal. The bus drove up a steep hill via a narrow, crooked road to Monte. And after that experience, I can say that I'd never drive a car in Madeira myself. Below you see some photos of a garden, which we didn't actually visit, in Monte. Madeira-postaukset jatkuvat taas vaihteeksi. Tällä kertaa on luvassa ilmakuvia pääkaupungista, Funchalista. Loman alussa kävimme kaupunkikierroksella. Bussi ajoi ylös jyrkkää rinnettä mutkittelevaa, kapeaa tietä pitkin. Voin sanoa, etten itse ajaisi Madeiralla mistään hinnasta... Alla kuvia Monten puutarhasta, jossa emme kuitenkaan käyneet.

Crafty Presents with a Purpose

A few more photos of handmade Christmas presents... in March. Oops. So, the first photo is of a couple of the pudding cup pincushions I made. Obviously, I gave some pins along with them. To make wrapping easier, I put the pincushions in little boxes first. Tässä vielä muutama kuva itse tehdyistä joululahjoista... näin maaliskuussa. Hups. Ensimmäisessä kuvassa on pari vanukaskippoihin tekemistäni neulatyynyistä . Annoin neulatyynyjen mukana tietysti nuppineuloja. Ja paketoimisen helpottamiseksi laitoin neulatyynyt ensin pikkurasioihin.  At the end of summer I made a few concrete bird baths. I'll make a post about the process closer to summer. I got the dried bird baths back from the summer cottage so late in autumn that it didn't make much sense posting about a summer project anymore. And what makes it a summer project was using rhubarb leaves as the mold. (I can already tell you that it's not a good idea to leave the baths drying weeks on end without removing t

How DeviantArt Has Improved My Art

Indian (2010) is my most commented deviation and Old Maple Tree (2010) the most viewed one. Suomeksi alla.  I'm planning to write a post comparing the art online communities / print-on-demand sites I use, but first I'm dedicating one post just for DeviantArt , which is the first online art community I joined. I've also had the highest traffic on my DA page and it's where I have the biggest gallery. Before joining DA (and one Finnish art online community ) about 6 years ago, I had never showcased my art online or showed it to many people in real life either. So, here's how I think DA benefited my art:

Decorated Magazine Holders | Organization DIY

I like to store my papers and magazines organized in magazine holders. I don't like using the type of folders that require punching holes in my papers, although I do have some of those for my study papers as well. However, I haven't bought most of my magazine holders, but have gotten them for free from the university or libraries that sometimes need to get rid of their old, cardboard magazine holders. They've looked quite terrible, but I've wiped them clean and covered them to make them nicer. The whole project was free since I covered them with magazine clippings. A bit of cutting and gluing and taping and it's done. (Besides gluing the paper on the holder, it's best to also tape the edges of the paper inside and on the bottom of the holder.) Säilytän paperit ja lehdet yleensä lehtikoteloissa. Suurin osa niistä on yliopistolta tai kirjastosta ilmaiseksi saatuja vanhoja pahvisia koteloita. Ne ovat yleensä aika karseassa kunnossa ja kaipaavat päällystystä.

Birthday Presents

I got roses, a heart-shaped card, a new memory card and a tripod for my birthday today. The tripod is a light, cheap one, but I chose it, because I think it will suit its purpose just fine... ;) Sain tänään ruusuja, sydänkortin, uuden muistikortin ja kamerajalustan syntymäpäivälahjaksi. Jalusta on yksi kevyimmistä ja halvimmista malleista (15 e Markantalosta), mutta valitsin sen, koska luulen sen sopivan tarkoitukseensa ihan hyvin... ;)