
Showing posts from January, 2015

Flowery Memory Box | Crafty Present

  Aioin kasata kaikki antamani askarrellut joululahjat yhteen postaukseen (ja julkaista sen paljon aikaisemmin), mutta koska kuvia oli niin paljon, jaan ne kahteen tai kolmeen postaukseen. Ensimmäisenä on tämä kukka/luonto/eläinaiheinen, koristeltu laatikko, jonka annoin siskontytölle. Sen käyttötarkoitus voisi olla korttien, piirustusten, pikkulahjojen tai lelujen säilytys. Koristeluprosessi oli suunnilleen sama kuin aiemminkin: Aarrelaatikko ja Aarrelaatiokko vol. 2 . Laatikko oli kuitenkin tällä kertaa isompi kopiopaperilaatikko ja leikkasin sen vähän matalammaksi ja löysytin kantta ja teippasin uudelleen muotoonsa. I was going to show all the crafty Christmas presents I gave in one post (and much closer to Christmas), but since I had so many photos, I'll divide them into 2 or 3 posts after all. This first one is of a flower/animal/nature themed memory box I made for my niece. It could be a place to store cards she's gotten, or some of her best drawings or little t...

Watercolor Postcard and Yellow Letter

Lähetin pari viikkoa sitten tämän värikkään kirjeen Singaporeen. Suljin kuoreen vielä yhden viime keväänä maalaamistani vesiväripostikorteista. No, oikeasti maalasin niistä silloin vain kaksi valmiiksi ja loput ovat vielä keskeneräisiä. Mallina oli Mauri Kunnaksen Yökirjan kuvitukset. Yleensä olen suunnitellut kirjeiden sisältöä etukäteen ranskalaisin viivoin vihkoon, johon kirjaan myös mitä kirjepapereita/kuoria/postimerkkejä olen jo lähettänyt millekin kirjekaverille. Tällä kertaa menin kuitenkin kirjeen suunnittelussa pidemmälle ja kirjoitin koko kirjeen ensin koneella ja vasta sitten käsin. Toisaalta se tuntuu vähän huijaukselta, mutta toisaalta kirjoitettavaa oli paljon ja näin sain kaiken jäsenneltyä järkevästi. I sent this colorful letter to Singapore a couple of weeks ago. I also enclosed this watercolor postcard painting. I started these type of little paintings last spring and only finished two of them. The reference is from The Night-Book Book by Mauri Ku...

Inspiring Art Channels on Youtube

I've been finding a lot of drawing and painting inspiration on Youtube lately so here are links to a few of the art channels/videos I've liked to watch recently. Juan Andres He makes realistic pencil and colored pencil drawings of celebrities. When I first saw a picture of this portrait on DeviantArt, I thought it was a painting though. It just looks that smooth. Also watch his realistic eye drawing tutorial . I find it interesting that he shades the whole eyeball, maybe I need to try that. Heather Rooney She also makes realistic portrait drawings of celebrities. ThePortraitArt This channel has videos of charcoal and pastel works with soothing music on the background. PotraitDrawing Portraits with dry brush technique.  Tanya Shatseva She makes colorful acrylic paintings of different themes. And I think her video edits are pretty cool.

Baby Portrait | Birthday Painting

All Wrapped Up. Watercolor on watercolor paper, 250 gsm, size 21 x 21 cm. January 2015. Last week was my niece's 4th birthday and I made her a baby portrait as a present. I used a photo of her as a 1-year-old as the reference. I remember when I took the photo, we were just about to go out and she was all wrapped up in the baby carriage and probably a bit annoyed, because she was getting too warm. But it was a fun photo to paint because of all the fabrics and colors (and that's why I chose it). I think this is the first time I made a portrait using only watercolors (no ink etc. for eyes or other details) and it's also the first painting of a child I've ever made (but won't be the last one).  Viime viikolla oli siskontytön 4-vuotissyntymäpäivä ja annoin lahjaksi tämän maalatun vauvakuvan. Tyttö oli kuvan ottohetkellä 1-vuotias ja hyvin käärittynä lastenvaunuihin ulkoilua varten. Ilme saattoi olla vähän kärsivä, koska sisällä alkoi tulla kuuma. Kuva oli jo...

Christmas Landscape Painting | Joulumaalaus: Veerantie

Veerantie . Watercolor, acrylics and ink on watercolor paper, 250 gsm, size A4. January 2015. Tein viime viikolla vesivärimaalauksen jouluisesta maisemasta kuten viime joulunakin . Maalaus on mukaelma maisemasta, jonka näen kävellessäni junalta-asemalta kotiin. Nähdessäni sen pimeällä ajattelin, että se sopisi joulukorttimaalauksen aiheeksi.  Last week I made a Christmas scenery watercolor painting as I did a year ago . This painting is a modified version of a scenery I see on my way home from the train station. When I saw it on one dark evening, I thought it would make a nice Christmas card design. 

2014 Recap

If 2013 was the year of health/fitness and art for me, then 2014 was definitely the year of crafting and blogging. I made a lot of craft projects from spring to fall, I haven't even posted all of them yet. I also got really interested in reading blogging advice and I tried to evolve my blog during the autumn months. When it comes studies, I took some final necessary courses and exams and a few fun ones (Portuguese and Russian ), but most of my time was taken up my master's thesis.  I also had a trip to Mallorca. The summer was really lovely. I spent as much time as possible at the summer cottage as usual. I saw the Home Fair in Jyväskylä but didn't blog it at the time because I didn't take many photos (the few photos I did take are featured in this post). I had a little hike at the Leivonmäki National Park . I saw old houses (and more importantly pretty gardens in Loviisa in the Loviisan Wanhat Talot event. The garden was a big stress reliever among working (I ...