
Showing posts from October, 2015

Updated Sticker Designs

Confused ♦ Matryoshka Doll With Peacock Feathers ♦ Indian Girl Doll Face Flower ♦ Turban Girl ♦ Feather Necklace Black   Hindu Woman ♦ Renaissance Matryoshka Doll ♦ Vanessa Redbubble has changed their upload system and now you can upload separate files of your artwork for t-shirts and stickers. So I thought it was a good time to update my sticker designs, they seem to be the most popular product on Redbubble anyway. The sticker sizes vary from about 7 cm to 27 cm of width and they are removable. You can use them for your laptop, journal covers, walls etc. You can check out all my sticker designs on Redbubble . I added some new products, like notebooks and hardcover journals too, while I was at it. And a calendar for next year.

Toilet Roll Flower Wall Art | Recycle DIY

I stumbled upon this toilet roll flower wall art idea on youtube last autumn and started collecting empty toilet and kitchen paper rolls for it. I finally made the flower this summer and it's been hanging on our summer cottage wall since July. I cut up empty toilet rolls into 4 parts and glued them into a flower shape with water diluted general glue and used plastic clothes pegs to keep the glued surfaces together while drying. After the flower had dried, I spray painted it pink with a couple of coats. The end result looks kind of like a dahlia. I hanged it on the wall using 3 small nails so it doesn't tilt one way or the other.  Löysin vessapaperirullakukan idean youtubesta viime syksynä ja aloin kerätä tyhjiä vessa- ja talouspaperirullia materiaaliksi. Muistin tehdä kukkataulun vasta kesällä ja se on nyt roikkunut kesämökin seinällä heinäkuusta lähtien. Leikkasin tyhjät vessapaperirullat neljään osaan ja liimasin ne kukan muotoon vesi-erikeeper-liuoksella. Liima sai ku...