
Showing posts from August, 2015

Summer in Videos

August's been a busy month, because I got a new job. But I did manage to edit a few videos and I want to share them here too. When I started making videos in May, I decided I wanted a video of how our garden changes throughout the summer. So I filmed little clips in May, June, July and August and put them all together today. Besides flowers I also filmed birds, squirrels and insects in the garden. I did see a hedgehog in our garden too in the beginning of the summer, but didn't catch it on film.  Elokuu on ollut aika kiireinen, koska aloitin uuden työn. Ehdin kuitenkin editoida muutaman videon. Kun aloitin videoiden kuvaamisen toukokuussa, päätin kuvata puutarhaa koko kesän ajan (toukokuusta elokuuhun) ja koostaa pätkistä yhden videon, jossa näkyy miten puutarha muuttuu kesän aikana. Kuvasin kukkien lisäksi lintuja, oravia ja hyönteisiä. Alkukesästä näin pihalla siilinkin, mutten saanut sitä kuvattua.

Inspiring Art Channels on Youtube #2

I like to watch art videos on Youtube and I listed some of my favorite channels 6 months ago. I've found more great art channels especially during the summer so here's the second part to that list with one video example from each channel. Lisää taidevideosuosikkejani Youtubessa. 

Recycling Center Haul

It's been a long time since I last went to the nearest recycling center and I had forgotten the huge variety of what they sell. Anyway, here's what I got. I'm bad at cutting straight so I thought this paper cutter for 2 euros would be pretty handy (I tested it at the recycling center and it worked fine). I could use the old muffin molds (they were actually for free) for making candles . My mother got the wooden beads for the next key chain necklace I'll make for her (I give her one every Christmas). And I thought the little frames below would be nice for the summer cottage. I'll put a little picture in the white one too so it can serve both as a kitchen towel hanger and as art.  En edes muista koska olisin viimeksi käynyt Kierrätyskeskuksessa, enkä todellakaan muistanut kuinka suuri valikoima siellä on. Jos ostan joskus vielä pöytäkoneen, taidan etsiä sitä Kierrätyskeskuksesta. Tällä kertaa hankin kuitenkin muutamia pikkujuttuja, suurin osa heräteostoksia. En...

Vanessa | Insect Inspired Acrylic Portrait Painting

Vanessa . Acrylic on canvas. 30 x 40 cm. July 2015. I made an acrylic portrait painting on canvas inspired by insect hotels and Leilani Joy's art . I spent a long time searching for a name for her and finally decided on Vanessa, because it's a butterfly genus. The background is honeycomb patterned and the girl is wearing cones, insects and a mini insect hotel as jewellery. I usually leave the background for last but this time I did the background first and transferred my sketch of the girl onto the canvas using graphite transfer paper (which is so much better than baking paper that I used before) and painted over that. I used gold paint for the background patterns and some details. The reference photo for the pose is my own (but this is not a self-portrait). I made a video of the process, if you want to see this painting come to life. I often listen to an audio book or music while I paint. This one was made while listening to Stieg Larsson's book The Girl with...