Love Letters
I got mail! It's been a long time since I last got any mail and suddenly I got some from two penpals just a couple of days apart. My penpal from Hong Kong sent a card from her graduation trip in Macau, China. And my Singaporean penpal sent a letter and a card and these cute heart origami "love letters". They're "letters containing words of encouragement and positive advice addressed to strangers and then left randomly placed in any public places". One of the letters is for me and the other two for me to leave in random places. I've seen these heart shapes used as bookmarks in a craft magazine so I'm thinking to leave them between library books, perhaps. By the way, I just opened mine and I can't fold it back... Sain postia! Viime kerrasta onkin aikaa ja yhtäkkiä sain postia kahdelta kirjekaverilta parin päivän sisällä. Hongkongilainen kirjekaverini lähetti kortin valmistujaismatkaltaan Macausta, Kiinasta. Ja singaporelainen kirjekaverini l...