Fall Favorites

Jewellery organization

This is the first ever Favorites post that I'm writing. And it's not specific for any certain month, it's just my favorites from this autumn. Books and blogs or blog posts I've loved reading, tv shows and Youtube videos I've loved watching or have been inspired by. 

Muutamia suosikkejani tältä syksyltä. 

Henning Mankell Wallander

Swedish Crime Novels

Most of the novels I've been reading this autumn have been Swedish. I'm obsessed with Henning Mankell's Wallander series which I found at the end of the summer. I'm reading them, I'm listening to them as audio books and I'm watching them as movies. All Wallander books have been translated into English. They're kind of political crime novels so you might even learn something. Besides Sweden, they handle South Africa and Latvia, for example. 

My first touch on Swedish crime novels was in 2009. I read a book by Anna Jansson which I got interested in because of the Agatha Christie like setting: a group of people on an island with a murderer and no way to get out or knowing who the murderer is. A couple of Anna Jansson's books have been translated into English but not that one. But actually, I'd rather recommend Åsa Larsson's crime novels over Anna Jansson's (because my favorite Anna Jansson books have not been translated into English anyway). And you can read all of Åsa Larsson's five crime novels in English.

Be warned, though. I may have mentioned Agatha Christie here but these books are nothing like Agatha Christie's books. I was quite disgusted and horrified at times when I read the first Åsa Larsson book Sun Storm

I also started reading the Beck series this autumn. I didn't know when the books were written, I just heard they were similar to the Wallander books (which are from 1991-2013). So I got very puzzled when there was something about "Sweden changing to right-hand traffic two weeks ago". ...turned out the book was from the 1960s.

And for humor, I have another Swedish recommendation: Jonas Jonasson: The girl who saved the king of Sweden. It's absolutely hilarious. Starts out in a slum in South Africa and ends up in Sweden, as you can tell by the title.

Syksyn lukemistoni on ollut hyvin ruotsalaispainotteista, enimmäkseen rikoskirjallisuutta, mutta myös huumoria. Yksi käsityöopas on myös ollut ylitse muiden.

Henning Mankell: Wallander-sarja
Jonas Jonasson: Lukutaidoton joka osasi laskea
Susanna Uusitalo, Ritva Tuomi: Risu, paju, betoni ja rautalanka - kerää, kierrätä ja luo uutta

Hair pin organization


I got really into reading blogging tips this autumn. Technical blogging advice, blog design, blogging culture and community, inspirational posts, monetizing your blog, anything related to blogging.

Some of my favorite blogging advice blogs have been:

Alyssa Barnes

And here are some favorite posts from other blogs:

Design Your Own (Lovely) Blog Tour - 14 blog design advice posts from 14 bloggers
SkinnedCarTree: SEO tips for blogs // Part 1 and Part 2
Autumn Leaves: Useful sites for new and established bloggers
Tea Party Beauty: Wittering Wednesday -series
The Nectar Collective:  How I Went From My Day Job To Full Time Freelancer In 3 Months

Another type of blog I want to mention:

Shoutdogs! - Auctioning unique paintings on clothes in benefit of Romanian street dogs (to pay their sterilization and treatment). I was reading back the posts and the stories of the dogs and had to stop because I was about to start crying in public. 

I also updated the blog link lists in the sidebar. So have a look there if you want to find more art, crafts or snail mail blogs to read. I might not keep the lists there for very long and instead do a separate post on each list (like "My Favorite Snail Mail Blogs").

Blogien puolella olen tykännyt eniten kaikenlaisista blogivinkeistä. Niitä löytyy suomeksi ainakin Pink Bubble-blogista. Shoutdogs!-blogissa sen sijaan huutokaupataan uniikkeja maalauksia vaatteissa Romanian katukoirien hyväksi. Päivitin myös sivupalkin blogilinkkilistat (postiblogit, käsityöblogit, taideblogit). 

  Jewellery organization

Finnish Comedy

My favorite tv show is a Finnish comedy show called Putous. You can find some of the skits with English translations on Youtube. Watch the Putin Sketch or search for "live comedy from Finland". 

Since I mentioned the Wallander books, I've also liked watching Wallander movies, both Swedish ones and the ones made by BBC.   

Suosikkiohjelmani tänä syksynä on Putous. Uusimman kauden lisäksi olen etsinyt vanhoja sketsejä Youtubesta. Jos et nähnyt ensimmäistä kautta vuonna 2010, katso esim. "Muista tilata se taksi".

Jewellery organization

 DIY and Decor on Youtube

Youtube-wise I'll mention a couple of DIY and home decor / organization videos I've been inspired by: 

Vasseur Beauty: DIY Room Decor - I'm definitely trying out the toilet paper roll flower wall art.
Niomi Smart: Dressing Table Tour - As you can see by the photos of this blog post, I liked the idea of using old, decorative tea/coffee cups for storing hair pins etc. I've also seen how people use little plates or saucers to store and display some of their jewellery in many videos. That way they're easily at hand and you're more likely to put on some jewellery in the morning.

Youtubesta sain idean järjestellä korut ja hiusjutut vanhoihin, koristeellisiin kahvikupeihin ja lautasiin.

 Chocolate Documentary

The Dark Side of Chocolate - The truth about chocolate production. You can watch this and its sequel Shady Chocolate on Youtube.


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