Flower with a Doll's Face | Acrylic Painting

matryoshka doll face flower acrylic painting
Doll Face Flower. Acrylics on canvas, 30 x 30 cm, May 2014.
I got the idea for a flower with a doll's face from a plate in a magazine and made my own version of the theme. I also had fun painting make-up for the flower's face. I blended blue, pink and purple for the background. See progress photos below.

Sain idean maatuskakasvoisen kukan maalaamiseen lehtikuvan lautasesta ja tein aiheesta oman versioni. Töpöttelin taustaan sinistä, pinkkiä ja violettia. Vaihekuvia alla.

Iittala lautanen
Inspiration: Plate by Iittala / Inspiraatio: Iittalan lautanen
Sketches / Luonnokset
matryoshka doll face flower acrylic painting
Natural face / Ilman meikkiä
matryoshka doll face flower acrylic painting
With make-up / Meikin kanssa

matryoshka doll face flower acrylic painting
matryoshka doll face flower acrylic painting

Prints are available via / Printtejä:


More of my acrylic paintings here.

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