Gran Canaria Cards, Reads and Buys

gran canaria cards

Of course I had to send a few holiday cards from Gran Canaria. I hope they've arrived. I bought some of the cards and all of the stamps from a little shop in Las Palmas. Cheers to the ugliest and most boring stamps in the world! 

Gran Canarialta piti tietysti lähettää muutamat postikortit. Toivottavasti saapuivat perille. Ostin osan korteista ja kaikki merkit pienestä kaupasta Las Palmasista. Kiitos vaan maailman tylsimmistä postimerkeistä...

gran canaria cards
gran canaria cards
gran canaria cards

One of the cards I didn't send 'till I got home and since I was sending it in an envelope anyway, I added a second card. I got some use for my forgotten Arabic skills writing the address. And apparently it was written well enough, because I heard it arrived this week. (My last letter to Egypt never arrived.)

Yhden kortin lähetin vasta kotona ja koska se meni kuitenkin kirjekuoressa, laitoin mukaan toisenkin kortin. Unohdettu arabian kirjoitustaito joutui testiin osoitetta kirjoittaessani. Ilmeisesti kirjoitin kuitenkin tarpeeksi selvästi, koska kortit olivat menneet perille tällä viikolla. (Edellinen Egyptiin lähettämäni kirje ei koskaan saapunut perille.)

envelope moomin stamps
envelope moomin stamps
hyvän mielen vaatekaappi

My travel reads were a couple of detective stories and one Finnish book about the problems of the clothing industry and our own closets, which was very enlightening.

Otin matkalukemiseksi Rinna Saramäen Hyvän mielen vaatekaapin ja pari dekkaria. Ehdin lukea viikon aikana kaikki kolme (sairastelun takia) ja suosittelen varsinkin Hyvän mielen vaatekaappia.

beck poirot kirjat
trio magic color splitz

On to what I bought. I wasn't planning to buy anything at the fair in Puerto de Mogán, but I made this impulse buy: Trio Magic and ColorSplitz markers. The two packets with one extra marker were 15 euros. The paper is an example where the seller showed what you can achieve with these markers. I thought I could use them to make my own stationary, for example. I'll get back to you about them soon. 

Sitten ostoksiin. En ollut suunnitellut ostavani mitään Puerto de Mogánin markkinoilta, mutta sorruin tähän heräteostokseen: Trio Magic ja ColorSplitz-tussit. Nämä kaksi pakettia + yhden ylimääräisen kolmipäisen tussin sai 15 eurolla. Mukaan sai myös esimerkkipaperin, johon myyjä näytti, mitä tusseilla voi tehdä. Ajattelin, että näillä voisi vaikka koristella kirjepaperien reunoja ja kortteja. Palaan asiaan pian. 

trio magic color splitz
elastic band needles

I mentioned a store called Happy Shopping earlier. That's where I got these few sewing and craft supplies from.

Aiemmin mainitsemastani Happy Shopping:ista ostin vähän ompelu/käsityötarvikkeita. Toivottavasti jokin näistä ompelukoneen neuloista sopii farkkukankaalle. Ison virkkuukoukun ostin trikookudetta varten. 

aloe vera

And the one thing to bring as a souvenir from the Canary Islands: aloe vera cream.

Ja lopuksi se mitä Kanariansaarilta kannattaa tuoda tuliaisina: aloe vera -voiteet.


  1. The ugliest stamps? No, I assure you that Correos has issued stamps one thousand times uglier that these ones! :/ At least, the theme of saving water is a good time (and very appropriate for sending mail from Canary Islands).

    Comparing to Finland, all the tamps in the world are ugly and boring :)

  2. Yeah, I think I meant they were boring compared to the beautiful sight and scenery stamps I got in Mallorca:

    There are some boring stamps in Finland too, but it's easy to get hold of the prettier ones here, so no need to use the boring ones. :D

    1. That stamps you got in Mallorca aren't from the official postal service (Correos), it's another company. You can get those just in touristy spots. So it's a different league :D

      When I was in Finland (just once!), I was astonished by the variety of stamps. There are also in Spain, but they aren't so easy to get.

    2. That explains the difference then. :)

      Oh, you've been to Finland. Where in Finland were you?

    3. Alas, only in Helsinki. But I hope I will visit other parts of the country soon. Maybe next year!


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