Cats and Dolls | Postcrossing Cards from Russia
Postiluukulle on tullut tällä viikolla täytettä Venäjältä. Parit swapit ja yksi varsinainen Postcrossing-kortti. Itse asiassa neljä viimeisintä Postcrossing-korttia ovat kaikki saapuneet Venäjältä.
It's been a Russian week mailwise. I got swap cards from Russia and a Postcrossing card from Russia. The weather's also been very lovely this week, although I didn't get to enjoy it much before the weekend because of my summer job.
It's been a Russian week mailwise. I got swap cards from Russia and a Postcrossing card from Russia. The weather's also been very lovely this week, although I didn't get to enjoy it much before the weekend because of my summer job.
Swap-kortit Pietarista. Keräilen maatuskakorttien lisäksi näitä kisuja. More cute swap cards from St. Petersburg. |
Postimerkit. Stamps. |
Postcrossing-kortti Venäjältä. Olen itse asiassa saanut saman kortin jo aiemmin swappina. Matryoshka postcrossing card from Russia. (It's actually the same card I've received before.) |
Toisen puolen koristelut. And the lovely, decorated backside of the card. |
Ja kisukortti swappina. A very cute cat illustration card as a swap. |
Päärynämerkki tuoksuu. The pear stamp is fragranced. |
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