Turban Girl and Other Unfinished Business | Art WIPs

The previous post showed the only painting I've finished so far this Summer. This one is about all the other paintings I continued a bit. The first one is the painting of a girl with a turban, I made the sketch in February last year. It's an acrylic painting on canvas. The girl is mostly finished but I'm still wondering about what to do with the background. I wanted to paint an African savanna landscape with acacia trees on the background I don't know if it will work on the vertical canvas. The photo is not showing the whole canvas, there's a bit more space on the left and also above the turban.    

The next painting I started probably a couple of years ago. Actually I think all the three paintings below were started during Summer 2011. The African lady against the yellow backdrop was inspired by Alexander McCall Smith's No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, just like this earlier pastel portrait. It could be finished but I think there's still something missing.

 Dumela Mma. Acrylics on paper. Size A4. July 2013. 

The last two watercolor (and ink in case of the second one) paintings are a couple of lilies from our garden and an eagle owl from a book about Scandinavian birds. Both of them still need more work.

Edellinen postaus käsitteli tähän asti ainoaa tänä kesänä valmistunutta maalausta. Tässä postauksessa ovat sitten ne vielä keskeneräisiksi jääneet työt. Ensimmäisenä taas pari värikästä, Afrikka-aiheista akryylimaalausta. Ja sitten kaksi luonnonläheisempää vesivärityötä. Liljoille pitäisi vielä keksiä jonkinlainen tausta.


  1. Vau, oot tosi taitava! Ihanan värikkäitä maalauksia. :-)


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