Cranberries in the Swamp

Kuvia viime lokakuulta karpaloiden poimimisesta suolla. Vaikka en pidäkään erityisesti karpaloiden mausta, niiden kerääminen suolla oli jotenkin eksoottinen kokemus. Verrattuna esimerkiksi mustikoiden keräämiseen metsässä, suolla on avoimempaa, pehmeämpää ja lisäksi oma tuoksunsa (joka on lähtöisin ehkä suopursusta?). Mutta suolla liikkuessa kannattaa tietysti olla varovainen. Tänä kesänä lakkoja kerätessä jäin kiinni suohon kumisaappaistani ja minut piti vetää irti... 

I just noticed how few blog posts I made last year... So the photos of this post are actually from last October. I went cranberry picking in the swamp for the first time (I also picked cloudberries in the swamp for the first time during that summer). I don't really like cranberries that much but I loved the berry picking atmosphere at the swamp. It's really different from picking blueberries in the forest, for example. The wide open spaces, the soft ground, the smell (of Marsh Labrador tea perhaps?)... But be careful and preferably don't go alone. This summer we were in the swamp picking lingonberries and decided to go round the swamp lake and at some point my rainboots got stuck and I had to be pulled out. 


  1. These pictures are so nice and that's a lot of cranberries. Great post.


    1. Thanks! The photo might be a bit misleading though. The cranberries are actually in 1kg yogurt cans, so it's not that many cranberries after all. :D


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